Mixed Cricket Club "HENGELO"


Trainingen op het veld en binnentrainingen

Buitentraingen / Outdoor practice

De veldtrainingen van 2014 beginnen op woensdag 23 april. Start: 19:00, proberen aanwezig te zijn om 18:45.


Every Wednesday evening from 19.00 until it's too dark.

Try to be there at 18:45.


On occasion, we can start earlier or practice on other days. Watch your email or ask someone who has a key.

If the weather is too bad, a cancellation email will be sent through Teamsnap. So as long as that doesn't come, you can count on somebody being at the field.



Binnentrainingen  2013-2014

Indoortraining in de indoor crickethal Deventer

Start: dinsdag 18 maart 19.30 uur

Locatie:  in de indoor crickethal bij 't Schootsveld (velden Kon. UD / Salland),
               David Wijnveldtweg 4,
               7425 AC in Deventer

Tijd:  Aanvang 19.30 uur en einde 21.30 uur.

De laatste training was op dinsdag 15 april.

Vervoer:  zelf regelen